The Hayhurst Pack is an after-school program focused on competitive team sports play. It is open to 2nd-5th grade boys and girls that attend Hayhurst Elementary School.
The Pack meets 2:15-4 p.m. every Tuesday and Friday that school is in session. The activity schedule is:
Autumn flag football ● Sept. 3 - Nov. 22
Winter basketball ● Dec. 3 - March 6
Spring kickball ● March 10 - June 2
The cost to join the Hayhurst Pack is:
$7/session* when registering for Tuesday AND Friday the entire season
$10/session* when registering for Tuesday OR Friday for an entire season
*+5% service fee per transaction
Space is limited. Registration for single sessions open 2 weeks prior to session, if space is available.
After registering, please download, print and sign the Release and Waiver of Liability and the Pack Pledge. We MUST have these signed forms for your student(s) to participate on their first day. Signed forms can be sent to hayhurstpack@gmail.com.

Jeff Oswald is the Hayhurst dad of Johnathan (5th grade) and Jaxon (3rd grade) Oswald. He has coached baseball and basketball.

Tom Carr is the Hayhurst dad of Oliver (5th grade) and Henry (2nd grade) Carr. He has coached baseball, basketball, football and soccer.
Spring Registration is Open!
Fill out the form on the right with your information including name and grade of child as well as which days they would like to participate.